Scaling & Polishing

What is Scaling & Polishing?

When we eat, food particles that remain inside our mouth mix with proteins and bacteria to form a sticky layer of biofilm, also known as plaque. Plaque coats the surfaces of your teeth, around the gums, and even under your gums too! Maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly and effectively can remove plaque which helps prevent permanent tooth decay and gum disease.

Plaque that is not removed eventually hardens to form calculus, also known as tartar which forms both above and below the gum line. It is rough and porous and can lead to a receding gum line and gum disease. Once formed, calculus cannot be brushed away and would require specialised dental tools.



  • Utilises an ultrasonic scaler to remove hardened calculus around the gum line.



  • Removes biofilm and bacteria from the tooth surface
  • Removes stains

Benefits Of Scaling & Polishing

Brighter and Shinier Teeth

Over time, calculus and stains from consuming beverages such as coffee, tea, or wine can build up over your teeth, making it look yellow or brown. Scaling & polishing will help remove calculus and some surface stains.

For patients that want to whiten their teeth, take a look at our teeth whitening treatment

Fresher Breath

Bacteria buildup causes bad breath. Ever smelt a rubbish bin with rotting food? Well, that is what’s happening when food particles are not cleaned and cleared.

Prevent Gum Disease

Over time, calculus that accumulates under your gums causes the first stage of gum disease called Gingivitis, where the gums are red and inflamed. Bleeding may occur when brushing or flossing. If left untreated, it can develop into periodontitis.

Periodontitis is where your gum and bone starts to pull away from the tooth, forming large pockets which allow the buildup of plaque and bacteria. If untreated, the bacteria will spread below the gum line and the teeth roots.  Advanced periodontitis occurs when gum tissue and bone that supports the teeth are destroyed, consequently, teeth may become loose and fall out.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

As the saying goes, it is far better (and cheaper too) to enjoy years of good oral health by visiting your dentist regularly for cleaning than it is to suffer from bleeding gums, pain, and eventual loss of tooth/teeth. 

What To Expect

40-60 mins

We begin with:

  • collecting medical information such as drug allergies and medical history
  • taking note of any dental concerns (pain, sensitivity, hygiene, etc.)
  • your habits (smoking, grinding, etc.)
  • a comprehensive examination of your oral health. 

We will then proceed to use an ultrasonic scaler with an ultra-slim tip to gently and efficiently remove calculus buildup around your gum line, thoroughly covering every corner of your mouth. Hand scalers may be used to manually reach deeper under your gum with more care. 

At Clement Dental, we use Airflow® Prophylaxis Master rather than polishing paste. You can learn more about it here.

Fluoride treatment is also available at the end to help protect your enamel, preventing tooth decay. Highly recommended for high-decay risk patients.

Want to Scale & Polish Your Teeth?

Book an appointment and let us help you!

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