What's The Purpose of Braces?

Braces straighten teeth and correct a wide range of orthodontic issues, such as: 

1. Crooked Teeth

2. Crowded Teeth

3. Gapped Teeth

4. Malocclusion (Issue with the way your teeth fit together when biting)


Some benefits of undergoing braces treatment include: 

  1. Improved appearance: Straight teeth can make a person’s smile more attractive.
  2. Improved function: A proper bite can help to improve chewing and digestion, and may be able to help you speak more clearly.
  3. Reduced risk of oral health problems: Straight teeth are easier to clean, which can reduce the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems.
  4. Improved self-esteem: Straight teeth can improve a person’s self-esteem and confidence.

Types of Braces at Clement Dental

Metal Brackets

Metal Brackets

These are the most common type of braces. They consist of metal brackets that are bonded to your teeth.


  1. Some might enjoy choosing the rubber band colours
  2. Affordable
  3. Durable
  4. Can be used to treat a variety of malocclusions



  1. Metal can be unsightly
  2. May cause some discomfort
  3. More difficult to clean
  4. More dental visits, typically once per month
Clear Retainers

Clear Aligners

An increasingly popular option are clear aligners. They are made of clear plastic that are worn over the teeth.  Clear aligners are virtually invisible and can be removed when brushing or eating. 


  1. Removable, easier to maintain hygiene and eat.
  2. Aesthetically more pleasing
  3. May be more comfortable to wear
  4. Fewer dental visits


  1. Not every case can be treated.
  2. Requires patient compliance to wear aligners all the time except for brushing and eating.

What To Expect - The Treatment Process (Metal Braces)

Ortho Consult

1. Initial Consultation (~45 Mins)

We will complete a thorough examination of your oral health and discuss your concerns and intentions moving forward. We would also recommend the best method of treatment taking into account your current situation.

Prior to attaching braces (bond up), you may need certain treatments such as cleaning, fillings, extractions, or gum treatment.

X-rays and a model of your teeth will be taken, either through 3D scanning or through an impression.

Ortho Bond Up

2. Bond Up (~2 Hours)

Brackets will be bonded to your teeth, and wires attached. 

Ortho Adjustment

3. Monthly Adjustment (30 – 60 Mins)

You will be scheduled for a review appointment roughly every 4 weeks.

During this review, your treatment progress will be monitored and ligatures (rubber bands) replaced.

Approximate duration for adjustments is around 2 years, but depends on case by case basis.

Ortho Debond

4. Debond (2 Hours)

Hooray! Your treatment has been completed! Our dentists will remove your braces and proceed to take an impression of your teeth.

An appointment will be booked for you roughly 1 week later to issue you your retainers

What To Expect - The Treatment Process (Clear Aligners)

3D Scan

1. Initial Consultation (~45 Mins)

Similar to the metal braces, we will complete a thorough examination of your oral health and discuss your concerns and intentions moving forward.

X-rays and a model of your teeth will be taken through 3D scanning.

Treatment Plan End Result

2. Treatment Plan Review & Acceptance

After collection of your dental records, a treatment plan will be created with the initial and final outcome, along with the stage by stage plan as to how your teeth will be moved. 

A link will be given to you, and you can view the treatment plan at your own leisure. If you are happy with the treatment plan, let us know, otherwise, let us know your feedback and we will create a new treatment plan accordingly. 

Reveal Aligner Fitting

3. Aligner Fitting

Once you have approved the treatment plan and the aligners have been manufactured, we will see you again in the clinic to complete the necessary procedures for fitting your aligners such as adding attachments as well as conducting interproximal reductions (IPR). 

All aligner sets will be handed over to you at this stage. 

ContacEZ IPR Strips
Source: contacez.com

4. Come in for any staged IPR (if necessary)

Depending on your treatment plan, you may be required to visit us around a certain stage of your aligner treatment for further IPR.

Aligner Final Visit

5. Final Review

Once you’ve completed your aligner treatment, come in for a review.

If you’re satisfied with the outcome, we will issue you a pair of retainers.

If you feel that there are some minor improvements that could be done, we could discuss our options. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Patients will usually feel some tight sensation on their teeth, especially during the first time the brackets are placed and after braces adjustments. This is similar for clear aligners, tightness will be felt when changing aligner sets.

The degree of pain depends from patient to patient – some have no issues, some do request painkillers. However, generally, pain is not much of an issue for braces.

You will need some time to adjust to the extra bulk of the metal brackets and clear aligners.

Avoid hard, chewy, sticky food, and avoid biting into food like apples.

Because you can remove clear aligners, you can eat whatever you wish. Just remember to put the aligners back on after your meal!

Depending on the severity, braces treatment generally takes 1-2 years for full completion. 

Without retainers, teeth will tend to shift away from the alignment completed, and all the hard work completed through braces 

It is recommended to wear retainers for at least 10 hours a day for the first year.

Want Straighter Teeth?

Book an appointment and let us help you!

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